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Pets Helping their persons in all kinds of ways!

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  Are you surprised ...Non-profit work could be this innovative?  We're Not! predecessor Organizers' TM have been working on these concepts for decades, to finally bring this prototype, Web 2.5 Website to you, our much Valued Visitor!  But, this Socio-Commercial Experiment is really a finely tuned series of Actionable Projects:  waiting to be done by you, a Nation of peer-to-peer Helpers:  designing your own Single or Group Activities, Events, Community projects, or Fund-raisers:  our as-yet UN-tapped army of caring-Americans;  building social repair in your locale.    You think only Corporations know more than grassroots folks?

             You haven't seen ANYTHING Yet!   Are you ready to Surprise your Friends with your enthusiasm?  Shock your co-workers with new-found business-skills?    Stagger your stuffy, old-fashioned Town-council with your ideas?

             Are you ready to change the World? ~starting with your Home, town...where Charity should, and truly Begins?

Then, buckle your seat-belt ~ squeeze into a comfy chair 'n get ready for a Ride of Your  New Life-Style! TM        Because . . .

"Strangers are only Friends we haven't met --yet!         That's why everyone's welcome to Help!"    

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Charity  Share

Partner 'YOUR 1, 2, 3, Group'TMwith any  established Charity --but with a twist!  YOU decide where your funds will go!  Just think about it! 

Brought to you by Mr.  R. S. Jenkins

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   Sorry ... I only like dealing with slick, corporate websites!   Will you be turning this into one?

Promoting Family Units thru all types of Activities

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Valued Helpers

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